The Millennium Project's Future Day Live Q&A

You are invited to a global conversation on the Future! March 1st is Future Day.

You are invited to a global conversation on the Future! March 1st is Future Day. Have all your questions answered about the 15 Global Challenges, The Millennium Project's Global Futures Intelligence System (GFIS), and futures research.

Join us for The Millennium Project's Future Day Live Q&A on March 1st on GFIS at

For further information contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Open Science Dialogue: Seeds of the Good Anthropocene - A Southern African Perspective

Call to apply for participation in the
Open Science Dialogue: Seeds of the Good Anthropocene - A Southern African Perspective

Venue: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Studies (STIAS), Wallenberg Conference Centre, c/o Marais & Jonkershoek Streets, Stellenbosch, Cape Town - 3-5 November 2014

The Southern African Program on Ecosystem Change and Society (SAPECS, in collaboration with the Complexity Forum initiative led by the Centre for Studies in Complexity ( at Stellenbosch University is hosting an open science dialogue on “Seeds of the Good Anthropocene – A Southern African Perspective” on 3-5 November 2014 at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies (STIAS) in Stellenbosch. This initiative is linked to a larger international project under the auspices of the Future Earth global sustainability research initiative (

Please see the ‘Call for Applications’ for more information about the program, some additional background and the application process and deadline. Application deadline is 30 September.

The online application form can be accessed here:

For more information, please contact Rika Preiser: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2013-14 State of the Future Infographic

2013-14 State of the Future Infographic

What are the Prospects for Humanity? Could be Great, Provided the Main Global Challenges Are Addressed, Shows the "2013-14 State of the Future" by The Millennium Project

The “State of the Future” is a comprehensive overview of the present situation and prospects for humanity, integrating forecasts, trends, and judgments of thought leaders and scholars from around the world sharing important future possibilities to improve strategies today.

View the 2013-14 State of the Future Infographic
Download the 2013-2014 State of the Future, Executive Summary


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