Gen4IR Global Summit 2022
Gen4IR Global Summit 2022
August 16-17 2022
Sun City Resort, South Africa
The Transdisciplinary Agora For Future Discussions (TAFFD's) will gather the leading futurists all over the world during the Gen4IR Global Summit in South Africa.
Currently, among the speakers of the Gen4IR conference are Ai Karaki, 4iAfrica; David Wood, futurists; Aubrey De Grey, PhD, Biomedical Gerontologist; Natasha Vita More, PhD; Jose Louis Codeiro, MIT Engineer, Immortalist; Edward Hudgins, Futurist, Human Achievement Alliance; Dr. Catherine Demetriades, Inventor of Cxai technologies and Actual Intelligence; Dr. Sarita Sharma, Author of Myriad Voices, Days V.; Ugo Chukwu, Futurist; and many more.
2022 World Futures Day
2022 World Futures Day
During the World Futures Day on March 1, the Millennium Project organizes a 24-hour around-the-world conversation for futurists and the public to discuss their views about challenges and opportunities for the futures of humanity for building a better future for all. Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation about the future move west and last until 12 noon Hawaii time (GMT-10). Anyone can join the discussions at their noon time or when they can.
Free online training on Anticipatory Governance
Free online training on Anticipatory Governance
The Centre for Sustainability Transitions (CST), in partnership with the USAID Resilient Waters Program, is excited to announce a free online training on “Anticipatory Governance: New ways of sense-making an navigating for uncertainty.”
Why take this online course?
Presented by experts in futures and foresight, resilience & complexity thinking.
Discover tools for exploring, envisioning, and planning for uncertainty.
Takes approximately 8 hours to complete.
It’s free and self-paced.
The course will open from 1st November 2021.
Enroll here: https://openlearning.unesco.org/courses/course-v1:RWP+01+2021_01/about
Real-Time Delphi (RTD) Invitation
The Millennium Project's State of the Future Real-Time Delphi (RTD) Invitation
You are invited you to share your judgments about several developments that may influence the future.
All those who respond will receive the results of the study. No attributions will be made – your answers will not be associated with your name. However, if you would like to be quoted for a specific comment you make, then you can add your name next to that comment. Your email is only used as key for re-access to the online questionnaire, it will not be shared with any third party, and will be deleted from the system after the survey is closed. The demographic data you share will only be used for analysis in this study.
To access the questionnaire:
- Please go to www.realtimedelphi.net
- enter your email address and click "Submit"
- enter the study code: reset1
- click the link "Please click here to proceed”
If you have any difficulty, send an email to Elizabeth Florescu <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. You do not have to answer all the questions – just those you feel comfortable answering and you do not have to complete the questionnaire on one visit. This is a unique questionnaire called a Real-Time Delphi (RTD) – you can return as many times as you wish, read others’ responses, and edit and re-edit your own answers as often as you like until the deadline of October 30th.
The results will be used by The Millennium Project in its next State of the Future report and by EY (Ernst & Young) in their next global report. You are also welcome to use the results citing the source as The Millennium Project and EY.