Call for papers on Reconceptualising Foresight
Contribution to a Special Issue – Call for Papers: FR EN
Closing date (abstracts): 30 June 2021 (notification: 25 July)
Re-conceptualising Foresight and Its Impact: Experiences in Decolonising Futures from the Global South
We welcome publications in all languages, as long as an English translation is also made available. Please share it within your own networks: We look forward to reading your piece or the piece of any person you may have found relevant.
Guest Editors:
Geci Karuri-Sebina, University of Witwatersrand
Riel Miller, UNESCO
Kwamou Eva Feukeu, UNESCO and University of Lancaster
Closing date (abstracts): 30 June 2021 (notification: 25 July)
Submission portal opens: 1 July 2021
Author submission deadline: 30 October 2021
Next Generation Foresight Practitioners 2021
Next Generation Foresight Practitioners 2021
The Joseph Jaworski Main Award is open to anyone between the ages of 18-35 or with less than five years' experience as a foresight practitioner. It will support one Winner and a cohort of Special Awardees to develop both personally and professionally. Enter as a team or individual.
Please don't forget to submit your application. You have until 23:59 GMT+1 on 31 May 2021 to enter
2021 Institute for African Futures free printable calendar
2021 Institute for African Futures free printable calendar
Download the calendar
World Future Day March 1, 2021
World Future Day March 1, 2021
Join the 24 Hour Round-the-World Conversation to Celebrate World Futures Day March 1, 2021 at 12 noon your time
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5221011954?pwd=UEg4TXhYMnU0TGxyNzNsUUd6dXQ4Zz09
Beginning March 1 in New Zealand at 12 noon NZ time, the open conversation on how to build a better future will move west each hour. Anyone can join in at 12 noon their time and join futurists and others to explore possibilities for our common future.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – World Futures Day is March 1. This will be the eighth year that futurists and the general public will conduct a 24-hour, round-the-world conversation on the future on March 1st at 12 noon in whatever time zone they are in. Each year, total strangers discuss ideas about possible worlds of tomorrow in a relaxed, open, no-agenda conversation. Futures research is shared, collaborations are created, and new friendships are made.